Nevin Aladağ
Antrepo No.3

Born in 1972, Van. Lives in Berlin.

Nevin Aladağ's work is both documentary and poetic in style, and seeks to position itself at the intersection of natural, urban and artistic perception, to expose social and cultural identity. Aladağ deals with issues pertaining to immigrant life, but refuses to be pigeonholed by the tired concept of 'the clash of cultures' and to surrender to established clichés of multiculturalism. Instead she is seeking subtle expressions of difference produced not by duality but the evolving multiplicity of experiences, from an ever-changing series of vantage points.
City Language I, II, III (2009) takes a poetic route to trace the elusive urban reality of İstanbul, with different sound and image fragments brought together in a collage-like structure. City Language I is an audio-visual postcard, capturing İstanbul through the interactions of musical instruments with the wind, water, architecture and pigeons, thus creating experimental soundscapes. City Language II is an installation of meditative spaces in which scenes from different parts of the city appear in cars' rear-mirrors imprinted with excerpts from the lyrics of popular songs, whilst City Language III uses a single motif of clapping hands featuring people of different ages. Dealing with fragments of memory and fleeting moments inscribed within the space of the city, City Language also alludes to the mixture of past and present and the invisible languages that constitute urban reality.