Siniša Labrović
Feriköy Greek School

Born in 1965, Sinj. Lives in Zagreb.

Using different performative strategies Siniša Labrović challenges the limits of what is allowed, and the codependence between artist, audience and exhibition context. Postgraduate Education (2009) uses the rhetoric of self-help and 'how to' books, transferring it to the field of education. But this particular education teaches the ABC of typical criminal activities. The book is a continuation of Undergraduate Studies organised in 2008 in Zagreb as a series of workshops held by 'experts' from different fields of crime, with topics ranging from drug dealing and burglary, to 'rules of conduct' in criminal circles.
In the post-industrial context, Labrović challenges market and class demands for 'life-long education', which requires improvement in every aspect of the worker's labour skills, and increasing 'flexibility'. Commenting ironically on the increasingly blurred borders between business, politics and crime, the book offers an overview of different topics, ranging from debt collection and shoplifting to developing public-private partnerships, corruption and nepotism. The irony is taken to its extreme. The bold approach of Postgraduate Education follows the doctrine of the education system -preparing people for (more or less) successful servitude within the established systems, through opportunism, competition, deceitfulness, and highly structured rules of conduct. It suggests criminal behaviour as a prerequisite to both commercial and social success.